Learn more about the Academy Award-Nominated 1997 documentary Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life and its director Michael Paxton in this new website, which was launched to commemorate the documentary’s twentieth anniversary. You’ll also find video clips from the film and information about the cast.
When conference attendees arrive in Pittsburgh for #OCON2017, their first stop will most likely be Attendee Services. One of the smiling faces there to greet them will be Matthew Morgen, development account manager at the Ayn Rand Institute. “I’m one of the staff behind the scenes giving people a great experience,” says Morgen.
“Give me liberty or give me death.” This inspiring slogan from the American revolutionary period is all the more impressive when we remember that the revolutionaries were not trying to flee a totalitarian dictatorship but were rebelling against one of the freest, most prosperous nations of their age. There is an important insight here — American revolutionaries demanded, in full, the political freedom expressed in the Declaration of Independence as a matter of principle. What was the principle these revolutionaries held so dear and why don’t Americans see it the same way today?
To celebrate the 60th publication anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, we’re talking to the authors of chapters in Robert Mayhew’s book Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Next up is Tara Smith, whose chapter “No Tributes to Caesar: Good or Evil in Atlas Shrugged” examines how the choice between good and evil is presented in Rand’s magnum opus, which was published in 1957.
In this talk, Elan Journo explores how today’s widespread acceptance of determinism leaves many people unable to grasp what a truly self-interested foreign policy in the Middle East would consist of.
“I'm often asked why someone with a penchant for philosophy and an academic life joins the Marine Corps. Why, some ask, does a scribe lower the pen to pick up the sword?” So begins this stirring and thought-provoking address by Lt. Col. Scott McDonald, USMC, to attendees at Objectivist Summer Conference 2015 in Charlotte, North Carolina.