Black Innovators and Entrepreneurs Under Capitalism [Video]

That innovative black Americans flourished in late 19th- and early 20th-century America is a little-known part of our heritage. This talk by Andrew Bernstein celebrates a number of great minds — including Madame C.J. Walker, the first self-made female millionaire in America; George Washington Carver, who revolutionized agricultural science; and others — that, under the freedom of the capitalist system, triumphed over bigotry to reach great intellectual achievements.

Andrew Bernstein (PhD, Philosophy, 1986, City University of New York) is the author of The Capitalist Manifesto (2005), Objectivism in One Lesson (2008), Capitalism Unbound (2010), Capitalist Solutions (2011) and numerous essays. He is currently writing Heroes and Hero Worship for the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism.

Image: Everett Historical via