What is free will? In this episode of Yaron Brook’s Living Objectivism, Onkar Ghate, senior fellow and chief content officer at the Ayn Rand Institute, calls in to discuss Ayn Rand’s unique perspective on the nature of free will; the validation of free will; why determinism is self-refuting and incoherent; free will as axiomatic; why free will is associated with mysticism; Objectivism on materialism and idealism; the nature and significance of the primary choice, and other issues.
Yaron Brook’s three-lecture course “The Corporation,” on the history, economics and morality of the modern corporation, is now available online — for free.
On October 19, 2017, Onkar Ghate, senior fellow and chief content officer at the Ayn Rand Institute, joined Dave Rubin and Jordan B. Peterson to discuss the state of free speech in America.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is dizzyingly complicated. In this talk, Elan Journo — author of an upcoming book on the conflict and America's stake in it — looks at how intellectuals conceptualize and debate the issue, and spotlights the distinctive value of an Objectivist perspective on it.
Sam Weaver will be a senior this year at Davidson College in North Carolina, majoring in English and minoring in philosophy. He is also a second-year student in the Objectivist Academic Center.
Yaron Brook’s lecture, “Money-Lending: Its History and Philosophy,” on the historical and philosophical context for the condemnations of money-lending, is now available free online.