Traditionally, the Fourth of July is a day for fireworks and cookouts. But we should take the time to also appreciate the deeper meaning of Independence Day.
If you’re enjoying our celebration of Atlas Shrugged each month in honor of the novel’s 60th anniversary, you won’t want to miss the latest featured item at ARI’s eStore, The Spirit of Francisco by Shoshana Milgram.
Within a couple of generations, the former British colony of Hong Kong became one of the richest places in the world. Yet, despite its stratospheric rise in prosperity, Hong Kong is reversing course. Why?
This three-minute video contains the stirring conclusion of Yaron Brook’s message to everyone who seeks to expand the influence of Ayn Rand’s ideas in today’s culture.
Political figures from Jefferson to Lenin to FDR and philosophers from Locke to Marx to Rawls all claim to stand for liberty. But they have radically different understandings of what liberty is, and so they advocate very different sorts of societies.
In this talk, delivered at Ayn Rand Student Conference 2016, Gena Gorlin discusses how psychological strategies from contemporary psychology can be of assistance when exercising one's free will to choose and shape the form of one's own happiness.
Today, June 15, we’ll livestream no less than three talks: “Who Killed Speed? A Murder Mystery History of Aviation”; “Creating a Career That You Love (Guilt-Free)”; and “Free Trade, Immigration and Robots, Oh My!”