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Amanda Maxham at The Tenth International Conference on Climate Change

ARI is one of the co-sponsors of the Tenth International Conference on Climate Change that took place this week in Washington, D.C., Organized by the Heartland Institute, the conference raised critical question about past and current policies concerning energy and the environment. ARI’s Dr. Amanda Maxham joined panel 10 with State Senator Carlyle Begay and economist Alan Moran to discuss the impact of climate policy. Amanda’s talk is titled “Policy for people, not the planet.” Follow Amanda’s activities on the conference on Twitter, #ICCC10.

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PS: On July 7, 2015, ARI fellow and director of advanced training, Dr. Keith Lockitch, will give a talk at Objectivist Summer Conference 2015 on the ideological nature of the climate policy debate and its implications. Register for OCON 2015 here.