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The Anti-Intellectuality of Donald Trump: Why Ayn Rand Would Have Despised a President Trump
by Onkar Ghate | November 06, 2017
The Immigration Debate
by The Editors | April 17, 2017
Why Our Campuses Are Boiling over in Left-Wing Rage Instead of Discourse
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At Free-Speech Event, UCLA Tried to Ban My Book
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One Small Step for Dictatorship: The Significance of Donald Trump’s Election
by Onkar Ghate | November 17, 2016
Ayn Rand at the Ford Hall Forum
by The Editors | June 18, 2015
Independence Day: What July 4 Really Means
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An Introduction to Objectivism
by Leonard Peikoff | 1995
Capitalism without Guilt
by Yaron Brook | January 21, 2013
How The Welfare State Stole Christmas
by Yaron Brook | December 23, 2012
A Liberal Ayn Rand?
by Onkar Ghate | November 02, 2012
Time to Read Ayn Rand?
by Keith Lockitch | October 19, 2012
Ayn Rand’s Appeal
by Onkar Ghate | August 21, 2012
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: A Paean to American Liberty
by Don Watkins | August 17, 2012
Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand — Why Are You Still So Misunderstood?
by Don Watkins | February 02, 2012
How Did Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged Predict an America Spinning Out of Control?
by Onkar Ghate | October 31, 2011
Atlas Shrugged: With America on the Brink, Should You “Go Galt” and Strike?
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The Radicalness of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged
by Onkar Ghate | April 25, 2011
The Tea Party Will Fail — Unless it Fully Embraces Individualism as a Moral Ideal
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Let’s Take Back Columbus Day
by Tom Bowden | October 08, 2010
Atlas Shrugged’s Timeless Moral: Profit-Making Is Virtue, Not Vice
by Yaron Brook | July 20, 2010
Why is Ayn Rand Still Relevant: Atlas Shrugged and Today’s World
by Yaron Brook | August 10, 2009
Is Rand Relevant?
by Yaron Brook | March 14, 2009
After Ten Years, States Still Resist Assisted Suicide
by Tom Bowden | November 02, 2007
The Influence of Atlas Shrugged
by Yaron Brook | October 09, 2007
The Real Museum Looters
by Keith Lockitch | June 03, 2003
Ayn Rand's Ideas — An Introduction
by Onkar Ghate | June 02, 2003
Shame on Casey Martin
by Tom Bowden | January 31, 2001
The Joy of Football
by Tom Bowden | January 26, 2001
Whose Children Are They?
by Tom Bowden | January 05, 2000
Why Christmas Should Be More Commercial
by Leonard Peikoff | December 25, 1996
Cultural Update
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The Moral Factor
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Metaphysics in Marble
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Of Living Death
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Our Cultural Value-Deprivation
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The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus
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Is Atlas Shrugging?
by Ayn Rand | April 19, 1964
by Ayn Rand | September 1963
Through Your Most Grievous Fault
by Ayn Rand | August 19, 1962
The “New Intellectual”
by Ayn Rand | May 15, 1961


Culture And Society in Voice for Reason
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Time to Read Ayn Rand?

by Keith Lockitch | October 19, 2012 |

If not now, when? Ayn Rand is being hailed for her uncanny ability to project societal trends, as

our limping economy and mushrooming government begin to look more and more like the decaying

America her novel depicted more than a half-century ago. Her influence on today’s political debates

is indisputable — even though Paul Ryan, who gave her books to his staff and says she inspired his

political career, now actively distances himself from her philosophy. And the second installment of

the Atlas Shrugged movie opens October 12, promising to draw even more attention to Rand and her


Not surprisingly, with all the attention, the culture is suddenly full of pundits and instant Rand experts

eager to describe her ideas in a nutshell. And it’s natural to consider all this commentary in deciding

whether Rand’s novels and essays are worth reading for yourself.

But be careful; unfortunately, much of the commentary on Rand gets her badly wrong.

It’s common, for instance, to hear that Rand’s is a plutocratic philosophy — “of the wealthy, by the

wealthy, for the wealthy,” says Paul Krugman — one that favors “the rich” against “the poor.” Yet

she rejects such categorization. The real distinction she draws in Atlas Shrugged is between thinking,

productive individuals at all income levels versus the irrational and unproductive, among whom she

includes worthless, political-pull-peddling CEOs.

Others claim that Rand’s open advocacy of egoism — she even wrote a book called “The Virtue of

Selfishness” — is proof that she blithely endorsed cruel predation against poor and weak people.

Except that Rand explicitly rejected this account of selfishness, offering in its place a revolutionary

morality that rejects sacrifice of any kind — sacrifice of self to others, but also of others to self. Rand’s

new concept of “selfishness” — in which “every living human being is an end in himself, not the means

to the ends or the welfare of others” — holds that one cannot achieve personal happiness by treating

others as masters to be served or as victims to be exploited. The irony is that she is accused, by

commentators who miss her central point, of endorsing precisely the form of vicious “selfishness” she

so meticulously exposed and rejected.

Strangest of all are the sneering attacks that Rand is unreadable. This despite legions of fans who

found Atlas a riveting page-turner. You probably know someone who couldn’t put the book down —

who dropped everything else for three days to race through its thousand pages toward resolution

of the plot’s intriguing mysteries. What’s more, people in all walks of life — from CEOs to office

assistants — describe reading Atlas Shrugged as a life-changing experience. This is why sales of

the novel have continued to increase, decade by decade, and why, as October 10 marks its 55th

publication anniversary, it’s still flying off the shelves like a just-issued bestseller — more than 445,000

copies in 2011 alone.

So if you’re not familiar with Rand’s work, be wary of taking at face value anything you see or hear

about her ideas. (This very article emphatically included. Don’t take my word for it. If what I say

intrigues you, read her firsthand and then judge for yourself.)

Regrettably, this applies also to the Atlas Shrugged movies — both to Part 1, released in April 2011,

and to Part 2 (which I caught at a pre-opening screening in Hollywood). If you were hoping to skip

the book and just catch the films, I’m sorry to say that they’re not even close to the real thing. I don’t

envy anyone the challenge of trying to condense Rand’s complex story into a movie, but the first two

installments leave out the drama and richness of her tightly integrated plot, the complexity of her

characters, and the depth of her philosophical ideas.

You’d do better to make some popcorn at home and curl up with the actual book. If you want

to understand the ideas of one of today’s most important thinkers — and enjoy a moving literary

experience — there’s no better time to read Atlas Shrugged than right now.

About The Author

Keith Lockitch

Vice President of Education and Senior Fellow, Ayn Rand Institute