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POV: How Not To Fight Against Socialized Medicine
by Ayn Rand | 1963
50 Years Down the Road of Socialized Medicine
by Rituparna Basu | July 30, 2015
Is Obamacare Here to Stay?
by Don Watkins | August 11, 2014
What’s missing from the Obamacare debates
by Tom Bowden | March 11, 2014
Obamacare creates a new class of free riders
by Rituparna Basu | January 23, 2014
Obamacare Is Suffocating An Already Sick Health Insurance Patient
by Rituparna Basu | January 22, 2014
The Broken State of American Health Insurance Prior to the Affordable Care Act: A Market Rife with Government Distortion
by Rituparna Basu | January 21, 2014
Obamacare is Really, Really Bad for You, Especially If You're Young
by Rituparna Basu | August 21, 2013
How Obamacare Law Fleeces the Young
by Rituparna Basu | April 26, 2013
It’s time to unplug Medicare’s third rail
by Rituparna Basu | November 26, 2012
I’ll Buy My Own Contraception, Thanks
by Rituparna Basu | November 13, 2012
Will FDA choke off promising adult stem cell research?
by Keith Lockitch | August 10, 2012
How Important Is the Obamacare Litigation?
by Tom Bowden | August 12, 2011
The Road to Socialized Medicine Is Paved With Pre-existing Conditions (Part 3)
by Yaron Brook | April 06, 2011
The Road to Socialized Medicine Is Paved with Pre-existing Conditions (Part 2)
by Yaron Brook | March 10, 2011
The Road to Socialized Medicine Is Paved with Pre-existing Conditions
by Yaron Brook | February 10, 2011
The Avastin Travesty
by Tom Bowden | December 12, 2010
You Are Not Your Neighbor's Health Care Provider
by Yaron Brook | May 11, 2010
What About Private Health Emergencies?
by Tom Bowden | April 08, 2010
The Right Vision Of Health Care
by Yaron Brook | January 08, 2008
Be Healthy or Else!
by Yaron Brook | October 22, 2007
No Right to “Free” Health Care
by Onkar Ghate | June 11, 2007
Prescription Drug Benefits Violate the Rights of Drug Companies
by Onkar Ghate | July 24, 2002
Health Care Is Not a Right
by Leonard Peikoff | December 11, 1993
Medicine: The Death of a Profession
by Leonard Peikoff | 1989


Government And Business in Voice for Reason
Government & BusinessHealth Care

Be Healthy or Else!

by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins | October 22, 2007

As part of his universal health care proposal, John Edwards would make doctor visits and other forms of preventive care mandatory. In a similar proposal in England, a Tory panel suggested that Britons should be forced to adopt a government-prescribed “healthy lifestyle.” Britons who “cooperate” by quitting smoking or losing weight would receive Health Miles that could be used to purchase vegetables or gym memberships; those who don’t would be denied certain medical treatments.

These paternalistic proposals are offered as solutions to the spiraling costs that plague our respective health care systems. It is unrealistic, states the Tory report, for British citizens “to expect that the state will underwrite the health implications of any lifestyle decision they choose to make.”

But any proposal that expands the government’s power to control our lives — to dictate to us when to go to the doctor or how many helpings of veggies we must eat — cannot be a solution to anything. Instead of debating what coercive measures we should be taking to lower “social costs,” we should be questioning the health care systems that make our lifestyles other people’s business in the first place.

Both the American and British systems, despite their differences, are fundamentally collectivist: they exist on the premise that the individual’s health is not his own responsibility, but “society’s.” Both Britain’s outright socialized medicine and America’s semi-socialized blend of Medicare, Medicaid, and government-controlled, employer-sponsored health plans aim to relieve the individual of the burden of paying for his own health care by coercively imposing those costs on his neighbors.

When the government introduces force into the health care system to relieve the individual of responsibility for his own health, it is inevitably led to progressively expand its control over that system and every citizen’s life.

For example, in a system in which medical care is “free” or artificially inexpensive, with someone else paying for one’s health care, medical costs spiral out of control because individuals are encouraged to demand medical services without having to consider their real costs. When “society” foots the bill for one’s health, it also encourages the unhealthy lifestyles of the short-range mentalities who don’t care to think beyond the next plate of French fries. The astronomical tab that results from all of this causes collectivist politicians to condemn various easy targets (e.g., doctors, insurance companies, smokers, the obese) for taking too much of the “people’s money,” and then to enact a host of coercive measures to control expenses: price controls on medical services, cuts to medical benefits — or, as with the current proposals, attempts to reduce demand for medical services by forcing a “healthy lifestyle” on individuals.

Properly, your health care decisions and expenditures are not anyone’s business but your own — any more than how much you spend on food, cars, or movies is. But under collectivized health care, every Twinkie you eat, doctor’s visit you cancel, or lab test you wish to have run, becomes other people’s right to question, regulate, and prohibit — because they are paying for it. When “society” collectively bears the costs of health care, the government will inevitably seek to dictate every detail of medical care and, ultimately, every detail of how you live your life.

To protect our health and our freedom, we must reject collectivized health care, and put an end to a system that forces us to pay for other people’s medical care. We must remove government from the system and demand a free market in medicine — one in which the government’s only role is to protect the individual rights of doctors, patients, hospitals, and insurance companies to deal with one another voluntarily, and where each person is responsible for his own health care.

Let’s not allow the land of the free and the home of the brave to become a nation of dependents looking to the nanny state to take care of us and following passively its dictates as to how we should live our lives.

About The Authors

Yaron Brook

Chairman of the Board, Ayn Rand Institute

Don Watkins

Former Fellow (2006-2017), Ayn Rand Institute