Every day Ayn Rand’s books are freely shared with students and teachers around the world, thanks to the generous support of our donors. You can help deliver Ayn Rand’s books to eager readers today.
A yearlong contribution of just $25 per month enables ARI to make a significant impact. For example, your membership can place physical or digital copies of an Ayn Rand novel into the hands of 24 students, who will receive them as assigned reading from a teacher who has already requested the books from ARI. By our best estimate, on average, each book is used two times.
Added Benefits
At $75 per month, you can send five or six classroom sets of Ayn Rand novels to teachers—and, if you so choose, the books can be earmarked for a teacher in your local community. Alternatively, a We the Living-level membership is sufficient to cover the travel costs of two or three students who may otherwise be unable to attend an Objectivist Summer Conference (OCON) or an Ayn Rand Conference.
Added Benefits
With a monthly contribution of $150, you can send books to 10 teachers (reaching an estimated 480 students within two years); you can provide class materials for 20 students at ARI’s Ayn Rand University; or you can sponsor a significant part of the scholarship prizes awarded to student essay contest winners.
Added Benefits
The annual value of an Atlas Shrugged-level membership can provide a semester’s tuition and class materials for a student of ARI’s Ayn Rand University; it can provide free Ayn Rand novels to an entire school; or, it can send 12 students to the annual Ayn Rand Conference USA. Alternatively, it can provide nearly all of the scholarship funding for Anthem, ARI’s most popular essay contest.
Added Benefits
Paperless and Giftless Options Are Available at All Levels.
*Discount is limited to full price tickets, not in addition to an existing discount.
Benefactors are ARI’s largest supporters, with customized contribution plans at $10k, $25k, $50k, $100k and higher. Benefactors are entitled to all ARI Member benefits as well as to meetings with the Institute’s CEO, its board members and staff intellectuals. This core group of supporters is also invited to an exclusive event at the annual Objectivist Summer Conference.
CALL TODAY: 800.365.6552
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Donor Services Department at 800.365.6552 or to write to donorservices@aynrand.org.
Copyright © 1985 – 2024 The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON), Ayn Rand Conference (ARC), Ayn Rand University (ARU) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON, ARC, ARU or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. AYN RAND, AYN RAND INSTITUTE, ARI, AYN RAND UNIVERSITY and the AYN RAND device are trademarks of the Ayn Rand Institute. All rights reserved.