You have probably seen a “meme” or two suggesting that Sweden is a socialist paradise. What exactly are we to make of these “memes”? In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, guest host Amanda Maxham interviews Carl Svanberg to discuss the myth of socialist Sweden, the price of “free” health care and whether the welfare state is compatible with freedom and justice. Maxham wraps up the show with a discussion of genetically engineered flowers.
This week, Tara Smith, professor of philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin and author of Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System, will give two public talks in the UK.
Leftists love citing countries like Sweden as proof that “democratic socialism” works. To set the record straight, I recently gave a campus talk, entitled “Sweden: Socialist Paradise or Egalitarian Nightmare?” at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
Today many believe that Senator Bernie Sanders’ vision of “democratic socialism” works. As proof, they cite the success and prosperity of countries like Sweden.
Last week saw the so-called Million Student March, where students around the country — probably not a million of them — organized to demand free college, the cancellation of all student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for all campus workers.
Don’t miss an all new episode of The Yaron Brook Show tomorrow, October 31, in which Yaron will weigh in on the headlines of the day. Tune in here at 2:30 p.m. Eastern.
Senator Bernie Sanders loves to cite Scandinavian countries like Sweden as some sort of ideal. Sweden allegedly proves that his “social democratic” vision for America is both possible and desirable. Truth is that Sweden’s economic history proves the complete opposite.
Don’t miss an all new episode of The Yaron Brook Show this Saturday, September 26, in which Yaron will discuss the Pope’s visit to America, high drug prices, the Volkswagen scandal and more.
Here’s the mystery: although most Americans say they support cutting government spending in general, they nevertheless oppose cutting any specific program — least of all the so-called entitlement programs that are driving today’s torrent of spending: Social Security and Medicare.