
“Who Is John Galt?”

You can help introduce John Galt to the next generation. The Ayn Rand Institute is an educational nonprofit dedicated to spreading Ayn Rand’s works and ideas. When you support ARI, you’re helping to:

At a special event honoring Dr. Binswanger this summer, Tal Tsfany, ARI’s president and CEO said:
“For me, Harry is one of the people who clarified, explained, and taught what Objectivism is. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank him for everything you’ve meant to me as a teacher and as a philosopher. Thank you so much. As a board member I have to say Harry has been such a clear, consistent voice. He’s always making sure we are doing the right things and thinking about things in the right way, keeping us honest to our mission and to the philosophy. …The whole educational perspective that we have, the seriousness we have about what we teach and who we teach and how we teach, the foundations were built by Harry.”
  • Place hundreds of thousands of free copies of Ayn Rand’s books into the hands of eager readers
  • Inspire thousands of young minds to reflect on Ayn Rand’s novels by means of our essay contests
  • Share Ayn Rand’s ideas by making hundreds of hours of recordings of Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and other Objectivist scholars freely available
  • Train the next generation of Objectivist thought leaders at ARU
  • Preserve Ayn Rand’s legacy through the Ayn Rand Archives
Yes! I want to support the ongoing efforts of the Ayn Rand Institute.

To contribute by check, please make checks payable to “Ayn Rand Institute” and mail to:

Ayn Rand Institute
6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 600
Santa Ana, CA 92707

If you have any questions, you can reach us at or (949) 222-6550 or (800) 365-6552. 

The Ayn Rand Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. ARI’s federal identification number is 22-2570926. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible in the USA.

View ARI’s most recent audited financial statements and most recently filed Form 990.