Culture And Society

Quote of the Day: The Evil of Communism

“When, at the age of twelve, at the time of the Russian revolution, I first heard the Communist principle that Man must exist for the sake of the State, I perceived that this was the essential issue, that this principle was evil, and that it could lead to nothing but evil, regardless of any methods, details, decrees, policies, promises and pious platitudes.“
Government And Business

Ayn Rand in The Conservative

Ayn Rand’s Los Angeles Times column “Our Alleged Competitor” is republished in the April issue of The Conservative. The Conservative is a new quarterly journal founded and edited by Daniel Hannan, Member of European Parliament. In this 1962 column, Rand discusses the rationalizations used to excuse Soviet Russia’s failures.
Culture And Society

Elan Journo on the Value of Reading Ayn Rand

In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Elan Journo explores the value of reading (and re-reading) the works of Ayn Rand by showing how her philosophy applies to various real life concretes such as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s journalist field guide to “anti-Muslim extremism,” communism in Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Poland’s abortion laws.
ARI News

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2016

Voices for Reason is a blog that covers a wide range of topics, including philosophy and its application to current events, programs of the Ayn Rand Institute and the ideas of Objectivism. Looking back on the year, here are 2016’s most-read blog posts (along with edited versions of the introductions that accompanied them at time of publication).
Culture And Society

One Small Step for Dictatorship

Is that statement hyperbole or prophecy? To find out, read ARI senior fellow Onkar Ghate’s careful analysis of Trump’s election to the presidency, what the election means for America and why Ayn Rand’s philosophy is more important than ever.

Further Reading

Ayn Rand | 1957
For the New Intellectual

The Moral Meaning of Capitalism

An industrialist who works for nothing but his own profit guiltlessly proclaims his refusal to be sacrificed for the “public good.”
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Ayn Rand | 1961
The Virtue of Selfishness

The Objectivist Ethics

What is morality? Why does man need it? — and how the answers to these questions give rise to an ethics of rational self-interest.
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